Taking regular breaks while studying is vital for productivity, focus and wellbeing, yet many students resist taking breaks out of a misplaced fear that breaks will reduce productivity. The truth is that taking short, planned breaks helps the brain to recalibrate and restore functional levels. This leads to improved concentration levels, protection against fatigue and higher productivity that can be sustained over longer periods.
Key best practices around study breaks include experimenting to find the right work-to-break ratio for you, planning what work you will do when you return from a break and ensuring your breaks are enjoyable and take place away from your desk or study situation. You can also supercharge your breaks by testing your memory after you return from a short break. Implementing these research-backed techniques around study breaks can transform studying from hard work into a long-term approach that you use throughout your education.
By taking breaks, life becomes easier and the quality of our work becomes better.
Author – by Lee Parker, Occupational Therapist, Cambridge Academic Performance
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