Students – Online Trainings for Wellbeing and Productivity
This training is designed to support you in your studies. It should not be used as a substitute for medical or mental health advice. Students are advised to seek individual advice, counselling and/or therapy from a healthcare professional with respect to any medical condition, mental health issue or health enquiry that they may be experiencing. This includes matters discussed within these trainings.
‘As I go into exams next week, I have really noticed the difference Cambridge Academic Performance has made not only to my revision but also to my attitude and general health. The biggest factor has been realising I should not be working very hard all the time! In the past, I had tried setting targets for myself but often did not meet them and was harsh on myself afterwards. This pushed me towards using time as a measurement of performance. Now that my perspective has changed, I am kinder to myself and I feel calmer and in control. Sometimes I even exceed my daily target and I have noticed these were often days with more breaks in them. So – thank you!’
Joy Phophichitra TEDX Committee, Cambridge University